Main Memory Organisation - STUDY NOTES

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Main Memory Organisation

It is that component of a computer system, which is used to store data, instruction and information before, during and after the processing by Arithmetic logical unit. It is actually a one area within the computer system, where CPU store data and instruction. It is also known as main/primary/internal memory. 

Types of Memory: -

This memory is called as Random access memory. It is important component of memory. RAM is temporary memory. It is possible to randomly use any location of this memory that’s why it this memory is called as Random access memory.

a.      S-RAM
b.     D-RAM

     2.   READ ONLY MEMORY (ROM):-
It is called read only memory. It is the memory on which data has been prerecorded. ROM contain system level program. ROM contain system level program. 

a.      PROM
b.     EPROM
c.      EEPROM

     3.   CACHE MEMORY:-         
Cache memory is a special high speed storage mechanism. . It cans either a reserved section of main memory or an independent high speed storage device. It is some time called as cache store or RAM cache. It is made up of high speed static RAM.

     4.   C-MOS:-

C-MOS stands for complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor memory. It is used to store system configuration, date, time and information.

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