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A technique in CPL which determines the cast or community of the value data is called data type.

1.     Character   : -        char  (single appearance of alphabet, number and symbol)  ex-      ‘y’            ‘1’       ‘*’

      2.     String           : -        char[L]

L    =         it denote the length of character max 256.

Ex: -         char[50]

(Multi appearance of alphabet, numbers and symbols covered by double quotes (“    “))

Ex: -   “sohan”        “5006”          “@#”

mixed data is also come in string like “

     3.     Integral      : -        int      (number in between -32768 to +32767 without decimal point)

     4.     Large integral     : -        long int        (number in between                        -2147483648 to +2147483647 without decimal point).

     5.     Real/fractional/float  : -        float  (number with decimal point in simple expression)
      6.     Large fractional : -        double         (number with decimal having exponential tag)  

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