Memory Management - STUDY NOTES

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Memory Management

The main purpose of a computer system is to execute programs. These programs with their accessing data must reside in the main memory at the time of their execution.
Address binding mechanism and logical versus physical address space are various phases of program execution.

·        Memory management schemes: -

Memory management schemes are broadly divided into following categories.

(a.1)               Bare Machine (single user)
(a.2)               Resident Monitor (Single process monitor)
(a.3.1)           Multiprogramming with fixed partition
(a.3.2)           Multiprogramming with variable partition
(b.1)               Paging
(b.2)               Segmentation

Virtual Memory

Virtual memory is a virtual resource of a computer. In virtual memory management system we keep only a part of the process in the memory and other part on the secondary memory/storage.

Demand paging: -

Virtual memory is implemented by demand paging.

Page replacement algorithm

The page replacement is done by swapping the required page from backup storage to main memory and vice-versa.


     1.     First in First out (FIFO) replacement algorithm
     2.     Optimal replacement algorithm
     3.     Least recently used algorithm

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