Software - STUDY NOTES

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A program is like a recipe. It contains a list of ingredients (called variables) and list of direction (called statements) that tell the computer what to do with the variables. The variable can represent numeric data, text or graphic images.

Software can be categorized as system software and application software.

    1.   System software: -
                      System software consists of several programs, which are directly responsible for controlling, integrating and managing the individual hardware component of a computer system. System software makes the operation of a computer system more effective and efficient. It helps the hardware component work together, and provides support for the development and execution of application software. System software consists of low level programs that interact with the computer at very basic level.

System software includes:-

    a.   Operating system: -
                        Operating system is the first layer of software loaded into computer memory when it starts up. Operating system is the most common programs that run on a computer system. Every general purpose computer must have an operating system to run other program. Operating system perform basic tasks such as taking input from keyboard, sending output to display, controlling peripheral devices, etc. In addition the operating system ensures that different programs executing at the same time do not interfere with each other. In simple we can say that the operating system organizes and controls the hardware. Examples of operating system are:- 

         Windows, DOS, Linux, MAC, Unix, etc.

       The basic function of operating system are:-
1.     Process management
2.     Memory management
3.     File management
4.     Security management
5.     User interface
6.     Device management

    b.    Device drivers: -
                           Device driver are system program, which are responsible for proper functioning of device. Every device has a driver program associated with it for its proper functioning. Whenever a new device is added to the computer system, a new device driver must be installed before the device is used. A device driver is not an independent program; it assists and is assisted by the operating system.

    c.    Language translator:-                                                                                               Language translator is a program which convert programming language into machine language i.e., 0s and 1s that the computer can able to understand.

    d.   System utility: -
                      These programs perform day to day task related to the maintenance of the computer system. They are small program having specific task to perform.

Some system utility programs are:-
a.      File management
b.     Data recovery
c.      Backup
d.     Disk management
e.      Firewall
f.       Disk cleanup

    e.     Command Interpretation: -
                          It is also known as command interpreter. Command interpretation module of an operating system provides a set of commands using which the user can give instruction to the computer for getting some job done by it. Commands supported by command interpretation module are known as system calls. When the user gives instruction to a computer by using these system calls, command interpreter takes care of interpreting these commands and directing the computers resources to handle the user’s request. Command interpreter provides a users interface to hide hardware details of a computer from its user.

Two types of user interface supported by various operating systems these are as follows:-

1.     Command line interface: -
               User gives instruction to the computer by typing the commands.

2.     Graphical user Interface (GUI):-
               User gives command to the system by selecting icon or menu item displaying on the screen with the use of point and draw device.

     2.   Application software:-
                             Application software is a set of one or more program designed to solve a specific problem or do a specific task. Application software is developed on system software. The program include in application software package is called application program. 

      Some common known application software are:-

    a.   Word-processing software: -
                           Word processing software used to compose, format, edit and print electronic documents. Word processing is one of the earliest applications for office productivity and personal computer. It involves not only typing, but also checking the spelling and grammar of the text and arranging it correctly on the page. A verity of different typeface is available for a verity of effects. It is possible include pictures, graphics, charts and other things within the text of the documents .it also allow for changes in margin, fonts and color. Now days virtually all personal computers are equipped with a words processing program. Examples of some will know word processing is Microsoft word and word perfect.

    b.    Spreadsheet software: -
                       One of the first commercial uses of computer was in payroll and other financial records, so the program were designed to generate reports in the standard “spreadsheet” formats bookkeepers and accountants use. A spreadsheet application is the rectangular grids, which allow text, number and complex function to be entered into a matrix of thousand of individual cells. The spreadsheets provide sheet containing cells each of which may contain text and /or number. Cells may also contain equations that calculate result from data placed in other cell or series of cell. A simple example might be color of number totaled in single cell containing an equation relating to that column.

Spreadsheet software are used predominantly  for accounting  a  other numerically based task , because financial and mathematical data and analysis are often managed in a tabular style , with columns of financial figure being manipulated and that  influencing other data computers

 Microsoft excel and lotus 1-2-3 are example of spreadsheet applications

    c.     Presentation application: - 
                       A presentation is a means of assessment, which requires presentation provider to present their work orally in the presence of an audience. It combines both visual and verbal elements. Presentation software allows the user to create presentation by producing slide or handouts for presentation of projects. Essentially, such computer programs allow user to create a verity of visually appealing electronic slides for presentation. Microsoft power point is one of the most famous presentation software.

    d.   Database management systems: -
                           Database management system is a collection of computer program that allow storage, modification and extraction of information from a database in an efficient manner. It supports the structuring of database in a standard format and provides tools for data input, verification, storage, retrieval, query and manipulating. When such software is used, information system can be managed more easily as the organisations information requirement change. New categories of data can be added to the database without disrupting the existing system. It also controls the security and integrity of database from unauthorized access. FoxPro and oracle are database management system.

    e.     Personal assistance package: -
                           Personal assistance package allow individuals to use personal computer to store and retrieve their personal information, as well as to plan and mange their schedules, contacts, finances and inventory of important items.


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