Organisation Of CPU - STUDY NOTES

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Organisation Of CPU

CPU is the brain of computer which performs all the processing of input data. Its function is fetch, examine and then execute the instruction stored in main memory of a computer. In microcomputer the CPU is built on a single chip or IC called microprocessor. The CPU consists of the following distinct parts:-

Arithmetic logical unit of CPU is responsible is responsible for all arithmetic operations. Arithmetic logical unit is the place where actual executions of instruction take place during the processing.

       2.     CONTROL UNIT: -
The control unit is responsible for controlling the transfer of data and instruction. It manages and coordinates entire computer system. 

       3.     REGISTERS: -
Registers are small high speed memory unit, which are used to store data, instruction, memory address (memory location number) and intermediate result of calculation.

       4.     BUS: -      
BUS is a collection of wire through which data is transmitted. There are two main buses in a computer – the internal or system bus and external or expansion bus.

The transfer of data depends upon the size of bus because it determines that how much data can be transmitted at one time.

       5.     CLOCK: -
        Clock is important component of CPU which measure and allocate a fixed time slot for each and every micro operation. The clock speed of CPU is measured in term of megahertz (MHz) or gigahertz (GHz).

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