Program structure of ‘C’ - STUDY NOTES

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Program structure of ‘C’

Every programming language has a definite program structure which must be followed to build a program successfully. C programming language is categorized into following sections: -

      1.      Documentation section: -     This section is used to write extra statement. The extra statement may be title or heading about the program,  date of creation, purpose of program, work of each module, etc. All the extra statements are called commented line statement.

      2.     Library section: -     This section is used to add the header files within the program. The header file is the collection of several predefined function and keywords. Before using any predefined function/keyword within our program its corresponding header file must be written into library section.

      3.     Definition section: -

a.    To create macro (fix the value in variable): -  In C programming language, such variable may be used many times at different location but never changed or updated within it at any moment.

b.   To create substitute: -  By the help of such event, the properties of such events, the properties of a predefined function could be contain within new title to perform the similar task.

      4.     Global declaration section: -     This section is used to create global variable and global function. Which can be accessed from any where within the program

      5.     Main section: -     Every C program must have one and only one main function. Entire the statement of a program must be written inside the body of main section. Main section has a body of open curly braces and close curly braces.

      6.     User defined section: -     This section is used to create user defined function. This function must be more than one user defined function but only that statement will be performed which is connected to main section.

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