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An operator is a predefined instruction which is used to perform the operation on operand (data).

There are 8 types of operator supported by C : -

      1.     Arithmetical operator: -     These operators are use to perform the arithmetical operations.

+         =         addition
-               =         subtraction
*          =         multiplication
/          =         division
%        =         modulating

      2.     Relational operator: -     An operator which stabilize the relationship between two constant, two variable and variable with constant. After checking the relation it returns the response either 1 (for true or yes) or 0 (for false or no).

      3.     Logical operator: -     These operators are use to combine two or more expressions together and check the relationship where it is true or false.

      4.     Assignment operator:-     This operator is capable to hold or store a certain value (constant) and variable into another variable. The factor of RHS is holded by the factor of LHS.          

      5.     Increment and decrement operator: -     A kind of operator which is used to promote or demote the value of a variable by one is known as increment/decrement operator.

      6.     Conditional operator: -     This operator is use to verify a condition over the expression and return the response either true or false.

      7.     Bitwise operator: -     It is basically used to perform the operation on the bit value (0&1).

      8.     Special operator: -     comma (,) and "sizeof()" are called special operator.

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